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@smartentrepreneur - 2 months ago
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@Solutionking - 2 months ago
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People are poor or rich not because of their hard work.

People are poor or rich because of the skill set they possess.

Let me tell you a small story about the touch of a master.

A giant ship engine failed. The ship’s owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure but how to fix the engine.

Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a young. He carried a large bag of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work. He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom.

Two of the ship’s owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do.

After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed!

A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for $10,000.

“What?!” the owners exclaimed. “He hardly did anything!”

So they wrote the old man a note saying, “Please send us an itemized bill”.

The man sent a bill that read:

Tapping with a hammer………………….. $ 2.00

Knowing where to tap…………………….. $ 9,998.00 [1]

While anyone can hammer, you need tremendous knowledge, skill and years of experience to know where to tap.

And knowledge and skill does not come free.

It is quite expensive to acquire knowledge in the modern education system, which the parents of poor can’t afford.

Hence, they also don’t get opportunity to occupy important position to sharpen their skills and gather experiences.

Hence, they are forced to do the jobs that needs bare minimum skills.

And they continue to get bare minimum salaries for their work.

Hence, they remain poor despite working hard throughout their life.
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@Solutionking - 2 months ago
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Chains used to be made of metal…

Today, they’re mental.

Convincing people that their thoughts and actions are just how things are supposed to be — and should be accepted without question — creates the ‘perfect’ chain.


Sadly, millions live RESTRICTED by these invisible ‘chains’ and most don’t even realize that these mental constraints will keep them permanently from a better life.


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@Solutionking - 2 months ago
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Make Your First Money Online With EXOVODA. There are so many different and unique ways you can monetize your knowledge on – from writing a book or ebook, creating a self-paced course or a live training program, offering coaching or consulting services, and even a wide variety of other service-based ways to monetize what you know.
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@Solutionking - 3 months ago
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The best piece of advice for startup. Price is NEVER the problem… If your product doesn’t sell or struggles with tight margins, don’t blame your customers— it’s all your fault. Tough truth. Louis Vuitton is the perfect example. How can LV sell their luxury products for thousands of dollars, while other manufacturers struggle to sell their heavily discounted products? So, the best piece of advice for a startup? NEVER, EVER — EVER Compete by price
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Smart Entrepreneur
@smartentrepreneur - 5 months ago
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Smart Entrepreneur
@smartentrepreneur - 5 months ago
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@smartentrepreneur - 5 months ago
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Smart Entrepreneur
@smartentrepreneur - 5 months ago
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What You Need To Know To Dominate Instagram Ad
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@smartentrepreneur - 5 months ago
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Discover The Effective way Used To Increase Sales and Become a Super Affiliate #FreeDownload
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@smartentrepreneur - 5 months ago
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#FreeDownload! This is Amazing Stock Photos For Your Design Works
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@smartentrepreneur - 5 months ago
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Follow Me For More Freebies 🥰
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@smartentrepreneur - 5 months ago
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Use This Complete Video Training To make profits and boost sales with affiliate marketing
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@smartentrepreneur - 5 months ago
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@smartentrepreneur - 5 months ago
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Use This Plugin get more affiliates and make profits from your products or services even if you don't have good sales copy
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@Solutionking - 6 months ago
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What's Your Definition Of Riches And Comfortable.

This is Jeff Bezos

By all accounts and measures, Jeff Bezos is rich. He has two private jets, a mega-yatch (with a smaller yatch in that one’s garage), and a real estate holding larger than most peoples’ Monopoly portfolios.

To most people, Jeffrey is living comfortably.

Now this is Abraham:

Abraham is the Father of all tribes.

Among his people, Abraham is also considered very rich. Although none of the Abrahamic tribe have cell phones or fancy cars, Abraham raised himself a large herd of cattle, has access to a constant supply of crops, fathered several kids (including a promised Child), and built the biggest mud house in the semi-nomadic tribe, making him the richest man in his tribe.

To his village and himself, Abraham is loaded silly.

But to Jeffrey (and probably many other Westerners), Abraham is the furthest thing from “living comfortably”.

Do you see where this is going?

There’s many different levels of “rich”, and even more definitions of “comfortable.”

Generally, rich people have a comfortable life. But how rich and comfortable you are is almost entirely subjective. If you’re driving around in a Nissan while everyone else is driving a Bentley, you’re probably not all that comfortable (at least to your neighbors). But if you’re riding a camel while everyone else is walking? You’re the man.

And you could have none of these things and still feel comfortable.

So yeah, the rich generally do live comfortably compared to their peers. But as with everything in life, there’s levels to it.

Your vision of comfort might be someone else’s vision of squalor.

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@Solutionking - 7 months ago
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1.Know what you want

2. Keep the picture of it in the background of your mind night and day,

3. Believe that all that is possible to anyone is possible to you.

4. Make constructive use of people and things around you.

5. Make every act a success in itself.
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@Solutionking - 7 months ago
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Do Your Best Today
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@Solutionking - 7 months ago
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Best Advice You Will Ever Have....
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@Solutionking - 7 months ago
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Create And Grow Your Income
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@Solutionking - 7 months ago
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@Solutionking - 7 months ago
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@Solutionking - 7 months ago
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The 4 Pillar Rules Of Success
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@Solutionking - 7 months ago
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I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. #Joy
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@Solutionking - 7 months ago
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How To Be A Successful Person.

1.Take up one idea.

2. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.

3. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and

4. Just leave every other idea alone.