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Cookie policy

(“Exovoda” or “we”) wants to ensure that your visit to our website is smooth, reliable and as useful to you as possible. To help us do this, we use cookies to make our website relevant to your interests and needs.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are automatically placed on your computer, tablet, mobile phone or other device (“device”) when you visit our website. They are stored by your internet browser and may contain basic information about your device or internet use. Your browser sends these cookies back to our website every time you revisit it, so we can recognize your computer or mobile device and personalize and improve your browsing experience.


What type of cookies do we use?
The cookies we use fall into 3 categories. These categories are described below:


Essential and functional cookies

Essential cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our website and to help you access and move around our site and use all its features. We also use functional cookies, for example to remember your language preferences to save you the trouble of having to change these every time you enter our website. Without these cookies, our website would not work properly and you would not be able to use certain important features.


Analytics cookies

We use cookies to help us understand how visitors arrive at our website, how and how long they use it and how we can improve their experience. This type of so-called "analytics" cookies can provide us with information to help us understand which parts of our website interest our visitors and if they experience any errors. We use these cookies to test different designs and features for our sites and we also use them to help us monitor how our visitors reach our sites.
We use Google Analytics to place and read cookies for the above mentioned use. We have changed our Google Analytics settings to further protect your privacy. For example, we have made sure that the last octet of your IP-address is invisible and have turned off the setting which allows sharing data with Google. We are also not using any other Google Analytics related cookie services which are offered by Google.


Advertising, marketing and social media cookies

We only place advertising, marketing and social media cookies if you have given us your permission to do this.
Advertisement and marketing cookies collect information about your browsing habits in order to make our content and advertising as relevant to you and your interests as possible. These cookies are also used to help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns by tracking the number of clicks. The cookies are usually placed by third party advertising networks. They remember the websites you visit and use this information to give you access to interesting and exciting content on our website and to show you more personalized adverts when you visit other websites. These cookies also help improve your browsing experience, for example by helping to prevent the same advertisement from reappearing to you.
Additionally, social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can use cookies to see if you are logged in and allow you to "like" content or forward it to your friends. Depending on your settings, these third parties may use your information for their own purposes, such as advertising. If you would like to know more about how these social media platforms use data, please refer to the privacy notices of these platforms.


Withdrawing your consent

You can withdraw your consent to advertising, marketing and social media cookies by using our consent management tool, which you can find here


Managing your cookie settings and deleting cookies

As explained above, we only place advertising and targeting cookies (including tracking cookies) if you have given us your consent for doing this. If you have given us your consent but would like the cookies that we have placed to be removed, you can do this by deleting them via your browser. Search for "cookies" under your web browser's “Help menu” or visit for more information on how to do this. 

You can also enable or disable (types of) cookies via your browsing settings. For example, you can have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, delete individual cookies or delete all cookies. Most advertising networks offer you a way to opt out of advertising cookies. See the Digital Advertising Alliance Consumer Choice and Your Online Choices pages for useful information on how to do this.
Please note that, if you choose to delete Exovoda cookies, your access to some functionality and areas of our website may be degraded or restricted.


Further information about our use of data

You can find more information about the way we handle personal data in our Privacy Policy.


Questions, comments or in need of help?

If you have any questions or if we can help you with something, we would be happy to assist if you contact us at: